SacBee Features Cybertary Roseville
In their Sunday, February 6 edition, the Sacramento Bee featured Cybertary Roseville in an article entitled "Home-based offices grow in capital region." The article focuses on how the Cybertary model has provided Roseville franchisees Valerie Dow and Tina Angell more flexibility in their work schedules, improving their quality of life overall.
Dow and Angell say the leap from a pulsating corporate environment to home-based offices worked for them, giving them flexible schedules, more quality private time and less stress.
It's a niche Cybertary touts to prospective employees, and clients.
"It does work both ways. Not only do we have more time for our lives, we offer (clients) services that free up more time for them to run their businesses," Dow said.
The article also features a sidebar that summarizes Cybertary's market positioning and services, and a snapshot of those working in the VA industry.
Congratulations, Tina and Valerie, on the great exposure!
UPDATE: Tina and Valerie got TV coverage! Congratulations again!
UPDATE: Tina and Valerie got TV coverage! Congratulations again!