Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cybertary Updates Web Presence

If you haven't checked out the Cybertary web site lately, you might want to give it a look. The site has recently undergone a redesign, resulting in a fresh new look, updated content about the business and its services, and more options for finding and contacting your nearest Cybertary operation.

One feature incorporated during the redesign is an improved format for the Cybertary location pages, which now employ a product called Empowerkit to enable each Cybertary location to create a unique presence that highlights their team members, service offerings, and social media presence on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Just type in your zip code to find the Cybertary location nearest you, then click the link to their location page.

We hope you like the new site, and will check back periodically—there may be even more changes to come!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spotlight on Cybertary Pittsburgh

The nature of a city can shape the way that Cybertary performs. Ask Joyce Kane, whose Cybertary Pittsburgh office was launched in September 2009. “Pittsburgh happens to be a little bit slower than the rest of the country in terms of new things and changes, so it’s been a bit more challenging,” she explained. “I’m spending more time on the education process.”

Joyce says there are a number of virtual assistants in her town who have been operating there for several years, and they support mostly coaches, consultants and authors. “Those groups are very familiar with virtual assistance, and have used them, but the rest of the marketplace doesn’t appear to be as aware of what we can do for them,” she said.

So Joyce, who has about 30 years experience in the corporate world in IT infrastructure management, said her current jobs have been in the traditional office-support category, as well as personal and executive assistance projects, with a dearth of work in graphic design and bookkeeping, something she’d like to see change.

No two days are the same for her and her seven-person team, she says, and although educating potential clients can be challenging and the fear of the unknown can be daunting, she doesn’t miss her former work lifestyle. “It was fairly regimented with a lot of meetings, and a lot of late night and weekend work.”  Being self-employed and more involved with small businesses has been eye opening and exciting. “I never knew some of these business existed or the sheer number of networking groups that are available.”

“A lot of this past year has been dedicated to talking with different folks of the ‘possibilities’ in terms of the types of services we offer. It always sounds like we can be everything for everyone, so the challenge is to really crystallize the message in order for it to resonate with the audience.”

Friday, February 11, 2011

SacBee Features Cybertary Roseville

In their Sunday, February 6 edition, the Sacramento Bee featured Cybertary Roseville in an article entitled "Home-based offices grow in capital region." The article focuses on how the Cybertary model has provided Roseville franchisees Valerie Dow and Tina Angell more flexibility in their work schedules, improving their quality of life overall.
Dow and Angell say the leap from a pulsating corporate environment to home-based offices worked for them, giving them flexible schedules, more quality private time and less stress.
It's a niche Cybertary touts to prospective employees, and clients.
"It does work both ways. Not only do we have more time for our lives, we offer (clients) services that free up more time for them to run their businesses," Dow said.
The article also features a sidebar that summarizes Cybertary's market positioning and services, and a snapshot of those working in the VA industry.

Congratulations, Tina and Valerie, on the great exposure!

UPDATE: Tina and Valerie got TV coverage! Congratulations again!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cybertary Offers Staffing Alternative to Small Business

Two Cybertary operators were recently featured in newspaper articles that highlight the alternative to conventional staffing that they provide to local small businesses.

In “Filling voids with virtual assistants,” the Alexandria Times features Fleur Gessner of Cybertary DC-Metro, and one of her satisfied clients. The story illustrates how Cybertary can be an ideal solution for small business seeking specialized skills that they don't have in-house. In it, Fleur talks about how the Cybertary business model is geared toward meeting specific business needs:
“What I really like about this business model is that it allows small businesses and medium-sized businesses to get very professional backup support by the hour, as needed. They don’t have to bid a lot of resources or commit to a minimum number of hours and they have a partner that has the ability to help them grow their business.”
Georgia’s North Fulton Revue & News strikes a similar note in the article “Cybertary offers help to small businesses,” which features another local Cybertary operator.

“Small businesses just don't have the resources to allocate the different functions a big corporation might have,” explained Bhuvana Krishnan, owner of Cybertary Alpharetta, the North Fulton branch of the national firm. “Or they might not need a person full-time for the job. We provide these solutions on demand.”
Congratulations and thanks to both of these franchisees for illustrating the value that Cybertary can provide to businesses seeking to grow in a challenging environment.