Friday, October 29, 2010

Cybertary Talks Texas

Cybertary made the oil business news this week when the Midland Reporter-Telegram ran an article entitled "Cybertary offers companies way to outsource domestically." In it, Patricia spoke about how Cybertary provides a secure, domestic alternative to foreign outsourcing.

...while many are sending work to other countries to save money, Beckman said in recent years they're finding companies are less comfortable doing that and prefer a venue like theirs where everyone is based in the U.S. or Canada. Particularly with the risk of identity theft and fraud through online accounts and financial information, Beckman said several businesses want the assurance their confidentiality and disclosure agreements apply to whoever they contract with.
"They're giving us the electronic keys to their store," she said.
She also described how Cybertary makes sense in our changing economy.
"Even when companies are laying people off and letting people go, the work still needs to get done," she said. "We're a flexible workforce on demand so they pay for us."
In doing that, businesses save both because they're not paying a full-time salary and also because they're not providing insurance, paid leave time or equipment and computers from which to work, she said.